International CiK GovernorGroup International
Mission of
The CiK Governor Group - International
1- Building successful business network among business owners, group members, professionals as well as interested expats.
2- Provide professional advice and guidance to businessmen and expats moving to or staying in Kuwait.
3- Introducing quality events and help organizing tours and trips to group members throughout the region.
4- Helping Expats to know better about the culture and traditions of the hosting country.
5- Introducing different cultures to the nationals of the hosting country on social and business levels.
6- For interested members, the group shall arrange and gain access to legal advice emergency service provided by a specialized law firm(s).
7- Group members can volunteer and organize different activities and events to suit group members' differnt venues of interest.
8- To help the expats expected to arrive or up to leave the State of Kuwait, the Group shall allow its members to publish short note on the buy and sell group page.
9- Group members are eligible to the discounts offered by CIKGG sponsors such as; hotels, retail shops, restaurants and business owners etc.
10- The CiK Governor Group “CiKGG-International” isn't a business organization. The CiKGG is an international group online based utilizing individuals' effort to create efficient business network as well as social and cultural gatherings.
11- CiKGG Membership is open to successful businessmen, professionals and interested expats “from all nationalities”. Membership can be sought by submitting the membership form via the group membership email .
Membership form (power point format)
Membership form is also available and can be downloded by visiting the Membership page . CIKGG membership can be obtained upon receiving CIKDG personal invitation.
12- CiKGG and all of its members and guests shall abide by and respect - at all times- the hosting country(s)' laws, and traditions.
13- The CiKGG is an online private club/group of international nature organized and run by the CIK Director General and CIK Board of Directors.
14- All the materials published on the CiKGG website are copyrighted, patented and/or trademarked by CiK Director General. For the re-use or re-publish of any of the CiKGG copyrighted published material, by third party, the Director General's prior written consent must be obtained.